Church and Pastor Care Committee (CPCC)

To receive requests and make recommendations concerning ministers who desire to labor in works beyond the Presbytery jurisdiction. The Presbytery will not ordain or approve a minister to work outside the bounds of the Presbytery (1) without the full concurrence of or (2) under circumstances not completely agreeable to Presbytery. The committee shall implement the Presbytery oversight of ministers (including missionaries and chaplains who remain members of the Presbytery) laboring outside the bounds of the Presbytery. Whenever possible, unless mitigating circumstances dictate otherwise, ministers should be asked to hold membership in the Presbytery in which they labor.
To act as a commission of the Presbytery in dissolving pastoral relationships in cases where the minister and congregation formally concur in such dissolution and when judicial complaints are not involved. In situations in which no congregation is involved, the committee has the authority to act as a commission of the Presbytery in dismissing ministers at the request of the minister. In such cases where the commission would propose dismissal against the will of the minister, the matter will be brought before the entire Presbytery. The committee shall inform the Stated Clerk of Presbytery of any action taken in exercising this authority, and the Clerk will subsequently remove the minister from the Presbytery rolls after the next stated meeting of Evangel Presbytery.
To inquire into matters and offer counsel at the invitation or request of the minister, Session of a Church, the Congregation of a Church by a majority vote at a duly called meeting of the congregation, or at the instruction of Presbytery when congregations encounter problems or when ministers encounter problems either personally or in relationship with their congregations. If the committee deems wise, the committee shall report on the matter to the Presbytery with recommendations for further action.
To develop strategies to encourage and strengthen fellowship among members of the Presbytery.
To review the reasons for absences from meetings of the Presbytery and provide pastoral care and encouragement where needed.
To review, at least semiannually, the status and welfare of ministers without a call and encourage and help where possible as needed.
To administer as needed a mercy fund reserve set aside in the budget of the Presbytery for ministers experiencing financial emergencies. The committee may, make known such needs to the Presbytery between Stated Presbytery Meetings and solicit assistance for same from the local churches as it deems necessary and appropriate.
To oversee the TEs that serve as stated supply according to BCO 22-5.

TE Stephen Cloud    (2025)    Evangel Presbytery - Hon. Retired
TE Robby Grames    (2025)    Community Presbyterian Church
RE Miles Gresham    (2026)    Red Mountain Church
RE Chris Hussar    (2026)    Third Presbyterian Church
RE Jim Jackson    (2026)    Faith Pres. Church - B'ham.
TE Michael MacCaughelty, Chairman    (2024)    Altadena Valley Presbyterian Church
RE John Pickering    (2025)    Covenant Presbyterian Church
TE Wayne Shelton    (2024)    Redeemer Presbyterian Church
RE John Spencer    (2024)    Briarwood Presbyterian Church